FCS Bill of Rights
The Fulton County Board of Education is committed to its stakeholders and strongly believes that their voice matters. Students, teachers, and parents across the district created a student, teacher and parent/guardian Bill of Rights. These documents are intended to support an environment of reciprocal accountability, and outline tenets for each of the groups.
The Fulton County School District (FCS) recognizes that students are our most important stakeholders. We therefore commit to these tenets in the Fulton County School District’s Student Bill of Rights. While this is not a legal document creating enforceable rights, it is intended to support an environment of reciprocal accountability.
Right to Expression
- To express themselves respectfully and appropriately, in a non-disruptive fashion
- To respectfully request an appropriate forum for expressing concerns and grievances
- To select their peers to represent the student body to administration and school officials
Right to Health
- To attend a welcoming school where safety of students and employees is a priority and promotes learning alongside social and emotional skill development
- To access available physical health and mental health resources
- To respect each student’s right to advocate for themselves
- To receive appropriate instructional supports as needed
- To access school-provided meals that support a balanced diet
Right to Fair Treatment
- To be treated fairly regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity
- To equal access and explanations of educational opportunities
- To appeal major disciplinary decisions as provided in the Student Code of Conduct
Right to Privacy
- To keep their grades and other student information private as provided by law
- To have access to a trusted adult
- To treat school facilities, materials, faculty, and other students with respect
- To understand and follow the school and district rules and requirements
- To appropriately stand up against mistreatment, discrimination, or abuse of others
- To appropriately engage in open communication with teachers and students
- To actively participate in their education
- To be punctual and prepared
- To maintain and uphold academic integrity
Download the 2022-23 FCS Student Bill of Rights in PDF format
The Fulton County School District (FCS) recognizes and embraces families as essential partners in student success. We therefore commit to these tenets in the Fulton County School District’s Parent/Guardian Bill of Rights. While this document is not a legal document creating enforceable rights, it is intended to support an environment of reciprocal accountability.
- To be treated with courtesy and respect by all employees
- To have the safety of students and employees prioritized
- To be a partner in the learning process of their child
- To have a welcoming and inclusive environment in the schools and the district
- To have students equipped with strong foundations and life skills
- To receive responsive instruction that is rigorous and meets students where they are
- To appropriately advocate for your child without consequence
- To be provided with appropriate access to instructional resources and assessments to the extent permitted by law and as outlined in Board Policy IHA and II
- To obtain clear and transparent communication from teachers, school, and the district
- To receive timely responses from teachers and staff as outlined by the school
- To be respectful to all Fulton County employees and students
- To monitor and guide your child’s academic progress
- To support school efforts to protect students’ physical and emotional well being
- To establish a trusting relationship with FCS
- To ensure your child attends school every day
- To stay informed by reading all communication from school and the district
- To communicate appropriately with teachers and school staff about your child’s education
- To utilize and reinforce social and emotional learning support provided by the school
- To appropriately advocate for your child’s education
- To seek involvement in your child’s school, district, and school organizations
- To resolve issues and concerns with Fulton County Schools by following the communication protocol such as teacher, staff, principal, zone superintendent, superintendent
Download the 2022-23 FCS Parent/Guardian Bill of Rights in PDF format
The Fulton County School District (FCS) believes that all teachers matter. FCS commits to providing teachers with a professional, collaborative working environment in support of continued growth and development. We therefore commit to these tenets in the Fulton County School District’s Teacher Bill of Rights. While this document is not a legal document creating enforceable rights, it is intended to support an environment of reciprocal accountability.
- To be treated with dignity and respect
- To have timely access to resources that enhance teaching and learning
- To receive timely and accurate communication
- To have access to quality professional learning opportunities
- To work in a school district where safety of students and employees is prioritized
- To have input on matters that impact their professional responsibilities
- To receive timely and purposeful feedback that supports growth
- To be provided with resources to plan for all facets of instruction
- To uphold the teacher’s code of ethics (GaPSC)
- To understand and follow the school and district rules and requirements, including those relating to student and school safety and well-being
- To provide instruction that is meaningful, relevant, and standards-based
- To hold all students accountable for high levels of learning
- To give students accurate, timely, and purposeful feedback
- To treat all stakeholders with dignity and respect
- To effectively prepare for instruction to meet the needs of all students
- To pursue relevant and sustained professional learning
Download the 2022-23 FCS Teacher Bill of Rights in PDF format
The Fulton County School District (FCS) recognizes that students are our most important stakeholders. We therefore commit to these tenets in the Fulton County School District’s Student Bill of Rights. While this is not a legal document creating enforceable rights, it is intended to support an environment of reciprocal accountability.
Right to Expression
- To express themselves respectfully and appropriately, in a non-disruptive fashion
- To respectfully request an appropriate forum for expressing concerns and grievances
- To select their peers to represent the student body to administration and school officials
Right to Health
- To attend a welcoming school where safety of students and employees is a priority and promotes learning alongside social and emotional skill development
- To access available physical health and mental health resources
- To respect each student’s right to advocate for themselves
- To receive appropriate instructional supports as needed
- To access school-provided meals that support a balanced diet
Right to Fair Treatment
- To be treated fairly regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity
- To equal access and explanations of educational opportunities
- To appeal major disciplinary decisions as provided in the Student Code of Conduct
Right to Privacy
- To keep their grades and other student information private as provided by law
- To have access to a trusted adult
- To treat school facilities, materials, faculty, and other students with respect
- To understand and follow the school and district rules and requirements
- To appropriately stand up against mistreatment, discrimination, or abuse of others
- To appropriately engage in open communication with teachers and students
- To actively participate in their education
- To be punctual and prepared
- To maintain and uphold academic integrity
Download the 2022-23 FCS Student Bill of Rights in PDF format
The Fulton County School District (FCS) recognizes and embraces families as essential partners in student success. We therefore commit to these tenets in the Fulton County School District’s Parent/Guardian Bill of Rights. While this document is not a legal document creating enforceable rights, it is intended to support an environment of reciprocal accountability.
- To be treated with courtesy and respect by all employees
- To have the safety of students and employees prioritized
- To be a partner in the learning process of their child
- To have a welcoming and inclusive environment in the schools and the district
- To have students equipped with strong foundations and life skills
- To receive responsive instruction that is rigorous and meets students where they are
- To appropriately advocate for your child without consequence
- To be provided with appropriate access to instructional resources and assessments to the extent permitted by law and as outlined in Board Policy IHA and II
- To obtain clear and transparent communication from teachers, school, and the district
- To receive timely responses from teachers and staff as outlined by the school
- To be respectful to all Fulton County employees and students
- To monitor and guide your child’s academic progress
- To support school efforts to protect students’ physical and emotional well being
- To establish a trusting relationship with FCS
- To ensure your child attends school every day
- To stay informed by reading all communication from school and the district
- To communicate appropriately with teachers and school staff about your child’s education
- To utilize and reinforce social and emotional learning support provided by the school
- To appropriately advocate for your child’s education
- To seek involvement in your child’s school, district, and school organizations
- To resolve issues and concerns with Fulton County Schools by following the communication protocol such as teacher, staff, principal, zone superintendent, superintendent
Download the 2022-23 FCS Parent/Guardian Bill of Rights in PDF format
The Fulton County School District (FCS) believes that all teachers matter. FCS commits to providing teachers with a professional, collaborative working environment in support of continued growth and development. We therefore commit to these tenets in the Fulton County School District’s Teacher Bill of Rights. While this document is not a legal document creating enforceable rights, it is intended to support an environment of reciprocal accountability.
- To be treated with dignity and respect
- To have timely access to resources that enhance teaching and learning
- To receive timely and accurate communication
- To have access to quality professional learning opportunities
- To work in a school district where safety of students and employees is prioritized
- To have input on matters that impact their professional responsibilities
- To receive timely and purposeful feedback that supports growth
- To be provided with resources to plan for all facets of instruction
- To uphold the teacher’s code of ethics (GaPSC)
- To understand and follow the school and district rules and requirements, including those relating to student and school safety and well-being
- To provide instruction that is meaningful, relevant, and standards-based
- To hold all students accountable for high levels of learning
- To give students accurate, timely, and purposeful feedback
- To treat all stakeholders with dignity and respect
- To effectively prepare for instruction to meet the needs of all students
- To pursue relevant and sustained professional learning
Download the 2022-23 FCS Teacher Bill of Rights in PDF format