Participating Remotely
Students can substitute up to 5 absences per semester (a max of 10 per year) with a remote learning day by meeting the remote learning participation benchmarks listed in policy. This would result in the student being counted as present for the day(s) they participate remotely.
- To be marked present, work must be submitted within 2 days of absence.
- Students may not use a remote learning day on a test day.
- Parent/guardian or student must notify teacher in advance to the start of the instructional day to utilize the participation benchmark rule.
- Schools will make their best effort to provide instruction given early notice.
- For security reasons, students who are out of the country may not participate in remote learning.
Students need to meet the following guidelines to receive credit:
Elementary School (Daily Attendance):
Student participates in synchronous Reading/Language Arts and Math instruction remotely or participates asynchronously as defined by the teacher.
Middle & High School (Period Attendance)
Participates in at least 50% of the school day to be given credit for attendance. Participation may be synchronous instruction remotely or student may participate asynchronously as defined by the teacher.