Evaluation Briefs
Evaluation Briefs are summary documents that outline the background, methodology, data, results, and conclusions of evaluations by or for the Department of Program Evaluation.
2024-25 Evaluation Briefs
In School Academies Evaluation
June 2024
In-School Academies (ISAs) began in the 2022-23 school year to provide a unique learning environment for students identified as “off-track.” When we imagined how we could remove these barriers for our students, we envisioned a learning environment where they could be successful. Using a research-based framework, the concept of In-School Academies was imagined, taking into consideration that students’ connection to their community was necessary and optimal for achieving success. An implementation program evaluation was conducted in the spring of 2024 in collaboration with Gibson Consulting.
School Nutrition Program Evaluation
June 2024
The School Nutrition Program (SNP) provides more than 13 million meals to Fulton County Schools’ (FCS) students each year. It is a major business enterprise within the district, with almost 800 employees districtwide and a proposed budget of $56 million for 2024-25. The program is led by the SNP Executive Director, along with 32 other district office positions, plus substitute managers and interns. Each school has a full-service kitchen and provides breakfast, lunch, snacks, and other food offerings. The program experienced staffing and other challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, but additional federal reimbursements for meals provided during the pandemic have helped the district recover in several respects. In partnership with Gibson Consulting, the SNP was evaluated to gain additional insight. Current indicators of financial stability are strong as the program resets its resource management in a post-pandemic environment.
2023-24 Evaluation Briefs
March 2024
This brief offers a partial overview of the district's magnet program due to inadequate comprehensive data collection and tracking mechanisms. Key findings and recommendations will be presented, focusing on critical areas requiring attention and enhancement based on the compiled data. The evaluation is crucial for assessing program effectiveness and determining its alignment with objectives. The magnet programs evaluated included Math, Science, VPA, International Studies, 3DE, Engineering, Healthcare, and IT, along with the two standalone programs at Global Impact and Innovation Academies.
The evaluation sought to uncover the present status of magnet schools within Fulton County Schools.
Additionally, during the evaluation process, documentation revealed discrepancies between the perception and actual implementation of magnet programming. Over the years, management has predominantly been site-based with considerable autonomy, necessitating a systematic approach to policy development based on the evaluation's insights.
November 2023
FCS implemented Summer Learning programming for students in Grades 3-12 during Summer 2023. FCS intended for the Summer Learning program to enroll large numbers of students to address unfinished learning and low achievement on Georgia Milestones assessments.
November 2023
The decision to conduct this evaluation was driven by three major factors. First, through our continued partnership with MAPLE at Georgia State, we regularly receive updates on student achievement, including trends post-pandemic. When reviewing these results in early 2023, we found that growth in math national percentile ranking, particularly upper elementary and middle school, has progressed at a slower rate than expected. Next, the 2023-2024 school year was also a significant transition year with the new Georgia K-12 math standards being implemented. The last factor that influenced this evaluation was related to the changes in the Continuous Achievement policy.