Board Policy Updates
Fulton County School Board's policies, procedures and operating guidelines outline how Fulton County Schools operate. Policy is reviewed and changed as needed during the monthly Board meetings. Below is a breakdown of the meeting types and policy process overview.
It takes a minimum of two months to get a policy approved by the Board unless there is an extenuating circumstance. See an example of the traditional cycle below:
- January Work Session: Policy XX is presented to the Board for approval as a first read item to go on the consent agenda at the Board Meeting.
- January Board Meeting: Policy XX is approved as a first read item and will move forward.
- February Work Session: Policy XX is presented to the Board to approve the policy for action. Item goes on the consent agenda for the Board Meeting.
- February Board Meeting: Policy XX is approved and voted on.
In addition to FCS policy, there are also two other policy structures schools follow (State Board Rule and O.C.G.A). As a Charter System, schools have the ability to waive policy if they submit a Value-Added Flexibility waiver.
- FCBOE Policy Manual: Board Policy, Procedure, & Operating Guidelines
- State Board Rules: Current rules adopted by the Georgia State Board of Education
- O.C.G.A. Title 20: The official laws of the state of Georgia
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Each month the Fulton County Board of Education schedules several public meetings to discuss educational issues and act on items requiring Board approval.
Pre-Work Session: The pre-work session happens before the work session each month. The Board is presented drafts of policy and provides feedback. In addition, presentations may also be given during this meeting to get the Board's initial thoughts or to provide an opportunity to focus in-depth on topics of interest. This meeting is open to the public and an audio recording is published after the meeting.
Board Work Session: The work session serves primarily to present information about agenda items requiring Board approval. In addition, presentations about district initiatives or projects take place at the Work Session. Items presented at the work session are generally acted upon at that month's Board Meeting. This meeting is open to the public, live-streamed, and recorded.
Board Meeting: The Board meeting is held the week following the work session for items to be approved. Occasionally, presentations are made at Board Meetings. This meeting is open to the public meeting and recorded.
Board Retreat: At a Board Retreat, the Board discusses issues, topics, or presentations that might need more attention or time. The Board Retreat allows the Board and the public to take a deep dive into the subject matter or topic of interest. The Board might participate in a training during this meeting as well. This meeting is open to the public meeting, but not recorded.
All meetings are advertised in advance and publicized through local media and the school system website. They are open to the public unless designated as an Executive Session, where the School Board must convene in private to discuss land, legal, and/or personnel items.
BoardDocs is a website where the public can view agendas and supporting documents associated with each School Board Meeting. This allows for viewing and/or printing information prior to meetings. This electronic system provides the public with access to information that Board Members use to make decisions. After the meeting, individuals can review the agenda items and see what action was taken by the School Board complete with voting information. All documents associated with meetings are automatically archived and can be searched by meeting date or by using the comprehensive search feature.
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