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Learning Opportunities for Parents


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CLICKS: A parent's webinar for keeping children safe online

Hosted on March 21, 2023, this webinar presented useful tips for keeping children safe while using the internet. FCS media specialists and district leaders shared information on how students are taught responsible digital citizenship while a GBI special agent gave a broader picture of internet safety and ways parents can safeguard their children.

Presentation PDF 


A special THANK YOU to our panelists:

  • Dr. Emily Bell, Chief Information Officer for Fulton County Schools
  • Heather Van Looy, Director of Instructional Technology for Fulton County Schools
  • Tina Criss, Media & Educational Technology Instructor at Banneker High School
  • Special Agent Jackie Gittins, Georgia Bureau of Investigation


Previous Learning Opportunities for Parents

In April 2022, a panel of experts from the GBI, AT&T, Common Sense Media, FCS educators and school district leaders shared strategies and information parents can use to protect their families at home -- a timely topic since the school year is winding down and students will soon begin spending more time on their personal devices or using their home internet. Parents heard tips from each panelist followed by a Q&A session moderated by Dr. Emily Bell, FCS Chief Information Officer.

A special THANK YOU to our presenters from the following agencies and organizations:

  • Special Agent Jackie Gittins, Georgia Bureau of Investigation  |  presentation
  • Rich Johnson and Yvette Pugh, AT&T  |  presentation
  • Jasmine Hood Miller, Common Sense Media  |  presentation
  • Martha Bongiorno, FCS Innovation Academy  |  presentation
  • Beth Valentine, Global Impact Academy  |  presentation


Tuesday, April 26
FCS Innovation Academy

This event was recorded and is available in the player above.


Thursday, April 28
Global Impact Academy

This event was recorded and is available in the player above.