Fulton County Schools Innovation Academy Information Technology Systems Security Incident
1. What happened?
Fulton County Schools has become aware of a security incident believed to involve unauthorized access to certain Information Technology systems by one or more FCS Innovation Academy students. This is a matter of utmost importance and is currently under investigation.
Fulton County Schools has immediately undertaken measures to contain the incident and continues to monitor the security of Fulton County Schools’ environment.
2. Has any data or personal information been taken from the system?
Fulton County Schools is conducting an investigation to determine what data or specific information, if any, was accessed.
3. What steps are being taken?
The district is working with external partners and law enforcement to conduct a comprehensive network review to determine the full scope of impact.
Please check back here regularly. Updates will be added to this website as new information becomes available.
Please direct your inquiries to or call 470-254-4947.
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