CTAE Video Contest 2024
Do you like creating videos or consider yourself a content creator?
Then this contest is for you!
The Fulton County Schools Communications Division has partnered with the Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education Department (CTAE) to help promote the district's CTAE pathway programs.
Who can submit:
Any group of 3–4 students from any high school in Fulton County Schools can submit a video entry.
Create a video (2 minutes max) highlighting a specific CTAE pathway offered at Fulton County Schools. The video should include (but is not limited to) the following information:
- What is the pathway?
- What do students learn in the pathway?
- What certifications can students earn?
- What does the future look like for someone who has completed the pathway?
Submission deadline: April 26th
Submit videos to: CTAE Video Submission Form
The top group in each category wins free admission to a Georgia Filmmaking Summer Camp!
- Production
- Artistic Design
- Best Representation of a Pathway
NOTE: The deadline has been extended to April 26
Choose from any of the following CTAE pathways offered at your school:
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
- Agribusiness Systems
- Ag Leadership in Animal Production
- Agriscience Systems
- Companion Animal Systems
- Horticulture & Animal Systems
- Veterinary Science
Architecture and Construction
- Architectural Drawing & Design
- Carpentry
- Electrical
Arts, Audio-Video Technology and Communications
- Animation & Digital Media
- Graphic Design
Business Management & Administration
- Business & Technology
- Entrepreneurship
- Human Resources Management
Education and Training
- Teaching as a Profession
- Energy Systems
- Advanced Accounting
- Business Accounting
- Financial Services
Government and Public Administration
Healthcare Science
- Allied Health & Medicine
- Biotechnology Research
- Exercise Physiology
- Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)
- Patient Care
- Pharmacy
- Public Health
- Sports Medicine
- Surgical Technology
Hospitality & Tourism
- Culinary Arts
- Hospitality
- Recreation & Tourism
- Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Human Services
- Nutrition & Food Science
- Cosmetology
Information Technology
- Computer Science
- Cyber Security
- Game Design
- Cloud Computing
- Internet of Things
- Networking
- Programming
- Web & Digital Design
- Web Development
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
- Applications of Law
- Criminal Investigations
- Firefighting
- Forensic Science
- Public Safety Communications
- Fashion Merch. & Retail Mgmt.
- Marketing & Management
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (Engineering)
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
- Auto Maintenance & Light Repair
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Production Checklist
- All content of this video must be G-rated / E for Everyone.
- Student Releases - All students appearing in the video need to have a media release form signed by a parent/guardian. (releases will be provided and must be submitted with the finished video)
- All videos must be two minutes (02:00) in length maximum.
- Videos must begin and end with a title slide that includes the name of the high school, the logo, and the name of the CTAE pathway.
- Lower thirds must be used for interviews. Lower thirds must incorporate school colors.
- Spoken audio must be clear. Interview audio preferably recorded with lavalier mics.
- The level of the music must not overpower spoken dialogue. Spoken dialogue must be clearly heard.
- Must include 1-2 teacher interviews and 2-3 student interviews.
- Any video filmed with a phone must be horizontal (like a TV). NOT VERTICAL.
- Images must be properly lit and exposed.
- Images must be in focus.
- All footage and imagery included must be original. No footage or graphics from copyrighted sources. (ex; No TV or movie clips, memes, cartoons, etc.)
- Only original music (produced by a student with written permission for use in the video) or Royalty free music is acceptable. No copyrighted music, melodies, or samples of copyrighted music may be used in the video. (include subscription info for music services for teachers)
- No copyrighted audio clips may be included.
- No copyrighted graphic images on books, stickers, posters, bags/ backpacks, jewelry, hats, or clothing may be included. (ex: comic characters, celebrity images, corporate, sports team, or artist logos.)
Technical Information
- All videos must be HD quality 1920x1080 or better.
- H.264 codecs, .mov files are acceptable.
- Sound should be mixed so that spoken dialogue/voiceovers average –12db.
- Music should not overpower dialogue.
Questions? Contact Randy Stewart at stewartjr@fultonschools.org.