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ESPLOST and Capital Plan 2027


funded by ESPLOST logo

In Fulton County Schools, ESPLOST (Education Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax) funds many capital improvements, including Capital Plan 2027. A capital plan outlines the improvements needed to support the day-to-day operations of a school system not directly related to instruction or personnel. It identifies the facility improvements needed throughout the district (including new schools, additions and reconfigurations) as well as the technology, transportation, classroom equipment, and safety upgrades that support learning. The capital plan also sets projected budgets, priorities, and ways those improvements can be funded.

“Bricks and Clicks” is a phrase used to illustrate the way Capital Plan 2027 investments will ensure school buildings are safe and well-maintained ("bricks") while supporting students and staff with the resources needed to learn or teach in an increasingly technology-driven world ("clicks"). 

Capital Plan 2027 Funding Priorities