Funding Options
A five-year Capital Plan needs a multiple-year funding option. For the past five capital programs, ESPLOST has been the primary funding choice since it is a no-interest, pay-as-you-go financing option. It also limits the impact on property owners by allowing the burden to be shared by all consumers who make taxable purchases in Fulton County.
Other funding options include approving a General Obligation (GO) bond or for the School Board to raise taxes by increasing the Maintenance & Operation millage. GO bonds require repayment with principal and interest and can take decades to pay off; for example, the last bond secured by Fulton County Schools occurred in 1998 and was recently paid off in January 2021. Similarly, raising the Maintenance & Operation millage rate can lead to higher property taxes for homeowners.
Weighing these options, the Fulton County Board of Education unanimously adopted a resolution to ask voters to approve the extension of the existing five-year education sales tax. The question will be on the November 2, 2021, ballot.