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Charter System Overview

Fulton is Georgia's Largest Charter System

Fulton County became the state's largest charter system in July of 2012. The charter system is a governance framework that supports the district's theory of local school autonomy. Charter system status allows Fulton County flexibility from many one-size-fits-all state education requirements and supports our schools in developing strategies to support the unique needs of their students.

Schools have transitioned to the charter system model in three cohorts.

  • Cohort 1 began its transition in 2012-13,
  • Cohort 2 in 2013-14, and
  • Cohort 3 in 2014-15.

As of the summer of 2022, FCS now has 96 charter system schools. Charter system schools in FCS are characterized by three major components:

  1. Establishment of a School Governance Council.
  2. Development and implementation of a School Strategic Plan
  3. Ability to propose Flexibility Options to support the school's strategic plan

School Governance Councils Lead The Way

School Governance Councils are an integral component of Fulton's charter system. School Governance Councils, or SGCs, are responsible for setting and monitoring the strategic direction of the schools. 

Read more about the responsibilities of SGCs.

Useful Docs & Links

Governance & Flexibility

Phone: 470-254-7750

Frederick Benschine

Gina Foster

Katie Kinsey