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Charter System Definitions

Charter System

A charter system is a local school system that operates under the terms of a performance based charter contract with the State Board of Education in exchange for broad flexibility from certain state education laws and regulations and a commitment to distribute governance and the ability to innovate down to the school level.

Charter System Schools

​The schools in a charter system are called charter system schools.

School Governance Council

​The School Governance Council is charged with exercising school-level governance for each charter system school. The School Governance Council is accountable to the local school system (FCS), and the local school system is responsible for meeting accountability goals in the charter contract with the State Board of Education.​

Charter School

A charter school is a public school that operates under the terms of a performance based charter contract, with a charter school authorizer, such as the State Board of Education and/or a local board of education. Like a charter system, charter schools enjoy broad flexibility from certain state educational laws and regulations in exchange for a commitment to meet high academic and organizational performance goals. There are two types of charter schools: conversion charter schools and start-up charter schools.​

Start-up Charter School

​A start-up charter school is a charter school that did not exist as a traditional public school prior to becoming a charter school.

Conversion Charter School

​A conversion charter school is a charter school that existed as a traditional public school prior to converting to a charter school.​

Governing Board

​A governing board oversees the operation of each charter school. The governing board is an distinct legal entity that is responsible for meeting the accountability and performance goals of the charter with the State Board of Education and/or the local board of education.