Register as a Volunteer
What is a school volunteer?
- A school volunteer is a non-paid person who serves in an auxiliary capacity under the direction and supervision of school personnel.
- A volunteer is one who performs duties that an employee could perform such as making copies, filing, sorting, escorting students, assisting with lunch duty, media center or front office tasks.
- Any person who leads or assists students other than own in programs or tutors a student(s) is considered a volunteer.
How do I begin to volunteer?
To begin the volunteer process, you must complete the child abuse reporting training and the online registration process by clicking on the link below. When registering, one must use their legal name as it appears on your government identification. The process is self-paced. On your first visit to the school, your government identification will be required.
Before beginning, please consider reviewing some of the Frequently Asked Questions in the section below.
If you are volunteering as a Literacy Coach, please check out the Literacy Volunteer Resources.
More Frequently Asked Questions
- Is the inclusion of being a mandated reporter a Fulton County Schools requirement?
- Does every person need to complete the registration process and abuse reporting training?
- Do I have to complete the entire process at each school that my children attend?
- I've made a mistake in the past, will that exclude me from volunteering at my child's school?
- Is the sex offender registry available to the public?
- I have concerns about someone within my community. What should I do?
- Are there limitations on volunteers working directly with students?
- Can volunteers help out with after school programs or activities?