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Change of School Assignment (COSA)


Middle/High School Notifications
Change of School Assignment (COSA) notifications were emailed to middle and high school parents on January 30, 2025. The deadline to respond is February 5. It is important that parents accept or decline the COSA placement by the deadline. If no confirmation is received, FCS will assume the offer is being declined.

Elementary School Notifications
Notification for elementary school students will be emailed by the end of February following the finalization of the proposed school closure, consolidation, and redistricting process currently under way. This process affects some schools in Sandy Springs and South Fulton. Once the process is complete, elementary school COSA notifications will be sent by email.

Accepting or Declining An Offer
1.  Selection results will be available in the 'Application Dashboard Message Box' of the parent's COSA account
2.  Click on the student's submitted application to select or decline the offer.
3.  If no confirmation is received, FCS will assume the offer is being declined.

For questions about the timeline or the COSA process, please email


For many years, Fulton County Schools has provided options for students to attend a school different than the one zoned for their home. Governed under School Board Policy JBCD, parents and guardians applied through the district’s annual hardship transfer process or through the options made available by state law (e.g., Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Program and Public School Choice/Open Enrollment).

New Process in Effect Beginning August 2024
During the 2023-2024 school year, the Fulton County Board of Education examined Policy JBCD and adopted several changes that streamline the application process while providing additional flexibility for parents and district employees. The revised timeline also incorporates the application process for schools offering International Baccalaureate or magnet programs. Policy changes went into effect August 2024.  

Grandfathered-In Students & Policy Exemptions
Students with transfers approved under the previous policy are grandfathered-in until their terminal year (5th grade, 8th grade or 12th grade) at that school. Grandfathered-in students also will continue to receive bus transportation, if currently receiving services. Students must meet attendance, academic and behavioral requirements to maintain enrollment and/or transportation.

Per Policy JBCD, children of military families, children experiencing homelessness, cases of excessive travel or distance, and victims of violent criminal offenses are exempt from the Change of Student Assignment process.

Key Dates for 2024-2025 School Year

  • December 9, 2024: Opening of application window; List of schools accepting transfers announced.
  • January 15, 2025: Application window closes; School district begins aligning eligible applications with available schools.
  • By the End of January 2025: School district sends notification by email of acceptance or denial to parents/guardians to middle and high school parents. 
  • By the End February 2025: School district sends notification by email of acceptance or denial to parents/guardians to elementary school parents. This will occur after the proposed school closure, consolidation and redistricting process, which affects some schools in Sandy Springs and South Fulton, is finalized.
  • May 22, 2025: Last day of 2024-2025 school year.
  • August 4, 2025: First day of 2025-2026 school year; Students with approved transfers start their new school.

Student Assignment Office
6201 Powers Ferry Road NW
Atlanta, GA 30339
Phone: 470-254-5550


Window Closed at 11:59 p.m. on Jan. 15, 2025.

SchoolMint login to check status

Notice to parents of students desiring to attend the FCS Innovation Academy, Global Impact Academy, The Promise Career Institute and/or Fulton Academy of Virtual Excellence (F.A.V.E.). These schools have a specific schoolwide curricular focus or online instruction model. While the application window follows the same timeline as the COSA process, applications should be submitted directly to the school(s).

Helpful Resources



Overview of the Change of School Assignment Process

Transfers Can Be Requested for Any Reason
Specific hardship transfer types (e.g., curriculum difference, childcare, and medical) were eliminated as sole reasons for requesting a transfer. Instead, parents/guardians can request a transfer to any school with available space as stated in Fulton County School Board Policy.

List of Accepting Schools Published Annually
Only schools with available space, defined as 95% enrollment or below stated capacity over a 3-year projection, will be on the published list of schools accepting student transfers.

Student Expectations to Maintain Enrollment
If a transfer is approved, students must meet the following requirements to maintain enrollment:

  • Transportation provided by parent/guardian or student
  • Satisfactory attendance
  • Good academic standing
  • Behavior compliance with the district’s Student Code of Conduct

Flexibility for Children of FCS Staff
Flexibility has been added for the children of eligible employees to enroll in any school, subject to space.

New, Consolidated Application Timeline
The application window for all Fulton County Schools’ transfer programs is now one process, held at one time, with a beginning date in December and a closing date in January.

Programs and schools falling under the new process and timeline include:

  • Parent/guardian preference (replaces ‘Hardship Transfers’ and ‘Public School Choice/Open Enrollment’ programs)
  • Georgia Special Needs Scholarship
  • International Baccalaureate
  • Magnet Programs 

International Baccalaureate and Magnet Programs
Students wishing to attend a high school offering the IB Diploma or a magnet program must follow the Change of School Assignment process first to ensure they may attend the selected school. Transfer approvals do not guarantee admission into the program; there is a separate application process occurring after acceptance into the school. Review these sites for more information about which schools offer the IB Diploma or a magnet program.

Important Points to Remember

  • Parents/guardians may apply at any time during the application window (December 9, 2024 to January 15, 2025). 
  • Applications will not be accepted before or after the application window.
  • Applications submitted on the last day receive the same consideration as applications submitted on the first day.
  • Student transfers are granted based upon space availability.
  • Applications will only be accepted for schools with available spaces.
  • Applications requesting a school that is not accepting transfers will not be accepted.
  • Georgia Special Needs Scholarship transfers will be conditional on an IEP team’s decision that the child’s needs can be met at the receiving school.
  • Individual schools are not permitted to allow students residing out of their attendance zone to enroll without an approved transfer.
  • Transportation is the responsibility of the parent/guardian or student.