Previous Redistrictings
2024-2025 School Year
For this school year, elementary school students in and around the aging S.L. Lewis ES were redistricted in anticipation of a new school at that site set to open in the 2026-27 school year. As part of this process, community meetings were held in the area in the fall of 2023.
Affected Schools:
- South Fulton
- Elementary:
- Bethune ES, S.L. Lewis ES, Heritage ES and Love T. Nolan ES
- Elementary:
Documents and Links:
2023-2024 School Year
For this school year, students in the north and south regions of the District were redistricted in an effort to help balance student enrollment among schools. As part of this process, community meetings were held in each region in the fall of 2022.
Affected Schools:
- North Fulton
- Elementary:
- Creek View ES, Hembree Springs ES, Manning Oaks ES, New Prospect ES and Ocee ES
- Elementary:
- South Fulton
- Elementary:
- Campbell ES, Evoline C. West ES, Hamilton Holmes ES, Palmetto ES, Randolph ES, Renaissance ES, Stonewall Tell ES and Wolf Creek ES
- Middle:
- Bear Creek MS, Camp Creek MS, McNair MS, Paul D. West MS, Renaissance MS, Sandtown MS and Woodland MS
- High:
- Banneker HS, Creekside HS, Langston Hughes HS, Tri-Cities HS and Westlake HS
- Elementary:
Documents and Links:
- North Fulton Redistricting page (Fall 2022)
- South Fulton Redistricting page (Fall 2022)
- Redistricting informational flyer:
- Final maps of redistricted attendance zones:
2017-2018 School Year
For this school year, some Campbell students were redistricted to the newly rebuilt Gullatt ES to balance the enrollment with the capacity.
Affected Schools
- Elementary:
Campbell ES, Gullatt ES
- Map of affected attendance zone
- Letter to affected families.
2016-2017 School Year
Two new elementary schools were opened (Wolf Creek (fka Derrick Rd) ES and Vickery MIll (fka Hwy 9) ES), along with a larger reconstructed facility for Esther Jackson ES.
Affected Schools
- Elementary:
Barnwell, Bethune, Cliftondale, College Park, Creek View, Hembree Springs, Heritage, Hillside, Mountain Park, New Prospect, Northwood, Ocee, Renaissance, River Eves, Roswell North, Sweet Apple, Vickery Mill (new), Wolf Creek (new)
- Maps of affected attendance zones
- Sample letter to affected families.
2015-2016 School Year
Two older elementary facilities were closed and a new College Park ES was constructed. New, larger facilities were built for Banneker HS and McNair MS. Classroom additions were opened in three north middle schools.
Affected Schools
- Elementary:
College Park (new), Conley Hills, Hamilton E Holmes, Harriet Tubman (closed), Mount Olive (now Asa Hilliard), Oak Knoll (closed), Parklane - Middle:
Autrey Mill, Bear Creek, Camp Creek, Haynes Bridge, Holcomb Bridge, Hopewell, McNair, Northwestern, Paul D West, Renaissance, River Trail, Taylor Road, Webb Bridge, Woodland - High:
Banneker, Creekside, Langston Hughes, Westlake
- Maps of affected attendance zones:
- Sample letter to affected families.
Operational Planning
6201 Powers Ferry Rd NW
Atlanta, GA 30339
Phone: 470-254-5540