Getting Started
Tips for Starting the FCS SchoolDude Facility Rental Process
1) First, create a Community User/Organization Event Coordinator account within SchoolDude.
Step 1: Set Up a Personal Profile (click here to start)
Once the page loads, click "Log in to Request Facility Use" in the right-hand corner.
After that page loads, click "Create One" located next to "Don't have an account?"
You will be asked to provide the name of the person submitting the request (not the organization's name...that is Step 2), a personal email address, phone/cell number(s), full mailing address.
Next, create a password.
Step 2: Organization's Information
Input your organization’s registered information (name, type of organization: Profit/Non-Profit, and full mailing address with city, state and zip).
Step 3: Review and Submit
Review the information for accuracy and hit "Submit Requests."
Step 4: Wait for Email Responses
SchoolDude will send an email acknowledging the request for a new Community User/Organization Event Coordinator account.
Within two (2) business days, the FCS Facility Rental Department will send an email requesting required documents to get the process started.
Please note the registration process may take up to 10 days for an organization’s account to be established in SchoolDude.
2) After receiving acknowledgement of your account request, submit these mandatory required documents:
General Commercial Liability Insurance
Your organization must provide a current General Commercial Liability insurance (Certificate of Insurance/COI) that verifies it has met FCS insurance requirements. Click here for sample.
Registration with Georgia Secretary of State's Corporations Division
Your organization must provide proof of registration with the Georgia Secretary of State's Corporations Division (or within the state of its home/corporate office) that verifies it has met FCS requirements. Click here for sample.
Non-Profit Status
Non-profit organizations must submit an IRS 501(c)3 Letter of Determination. Click here for sample.
Special Notes
The organization's name MUST be the same on ALL required documents.
Required documents must be current. Out-of-date documents will cause your Organization Event Coordinator request to be declined. Your CommunityUser account also will be disabled from entering requests until the proper documentation is received.
Once completed, send the mandatory required documents to