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Office of Information Technology


Contact the IT Service Desk


The Fulton County Schools Information Technology Division is a major service provider to all stakeholders and supports mission-critical processes and services. IT strives to facilitate student achievement and business processes by integrating safe, supported, and effective technology solutions.

District Device Availability

The Fulton County Schools Device Program aims to ensure that students from PK-12th grade have access to devices. Students in grade Pre-K-5 devices are available for daily use at school.  The devices are stored in-house and stored in carts.  Students in grades 6-12 are assigned a device they can take home.

The device breakdown for the schools consists of iPads for PreK-1st grade and laptops for 2nd-12th grade students. Its primary goal is to provide all students with continuous access to technology throughout the school day. It is the expectation of students taking their devices home to bring them to school each day, charged and ready to use.

FAVE: Some students are enrolled in virtual classes through our FAVE program. Devices for these students are provided for grades 3-12 to be used at home.

Currently, there is a pilot program in two middle schools where devices stay at the school, and students who require devices for home use are provided with reimaged devices that function as virtual desktops for accessing Classlink resources. This initiative aims to reduce the risk of devices not being returned, particularly when needed for testing purposes.

The 1:1 device program has effectively addressed technology disparities within the district by establishing procedures for schools to acquire devices through approved vendors. Additionally, it enabled allocating support technicians within school buildings, with one per building for middle and elementary schools and two technicians for high schools, ensuring efficient technology support.

How To Request a Device:

  1. If there is a need for a device for new students in grade Pre-K-5, the teacher enters a request, and the tech will provide them with a device.
  2. If there is a need for a student in grade 6-12, they are to let the Device Coordinator (DC) know of this need and they will work with the tech to get the student a device.  

How To Get Technical Support:

  1. Face to Face Students PreK-12:
    1. Prek-5 Grades: 
      The teacher will enter a support ticket for the device and repairs and/or device swaps are performed by School Tech.
    2. 6-12 Grades:
      The student will enter the support ticket and work with the School Tech to get help with technical issues. Troubleshooting and/or device swaps are performed by the tech.
  2. FAVE Students: 
    Students should call the Fulton County Service Desk for all technical support issues (470-254-HELP). The Service Desk will try basic troubleshooting. If the issue cannot be resolved, the Service Desk will create an appointment for a device swap. Currently the locations for the swaps are FAVE at Global Impact Academy for south and FAVE at Crabapple Center for north students.

Lost, Damaged, Stolen:

If the device is damaged, lost or stolen. The fines listed below will be applied to the student’s account.


  • Lost/stolen, $250
  • Damaged, $100
  • Accessories – Lost or damaged, $30 for each accessory

Background Information:  

The program was initiated in 2015 to support the personalized learning initiative by the FCS Academics Department. Initially, it provided 3:1 device for grades K-5 and 1:1 device for grades 6-12. Due to the pandemic, elementary students also began to receive 1:1 device to facilitate remote learning. Before 2015, schools relied on desktops and computer labs for student use. At the beginning of the 2023 school year, the device checkout system transitioned from Destiny, which had been in place for several years, to Atlas S4.

Dr. Joe Phillips

Dr. Joe Phillips
Chief Information Officer

Jamika Flanagan
Professional Assistant IV

IT Service Areas

Accountability & District Applications
Data Warehouse
Enterprise Applications & Operations
Information Security
Infrastructure Management
IT Program Management
Records Management
Student Information (Infinite Campus) 
School Support Technology
