When parents, businesses, nonprofits, faith communities and civic groups partner with us, their contributions of time, talent and finances help us reach our mission to educate students and support families. Many hands make light work!
Join Our FCS Family
The Fulton County Board of Education includes seven members elected by district to serve four-year terms. The Superintendent serves as an ex-officio member and acts as Secretary-Treasurer. Board members elect a President for a two-year term and a Vice President for a one-year term.
Meet Our Board Members
2024‐25 Work Day Calendar Summary
180 Day Employee Work Calendar for 2024-25
184 Day Employee Work Calendar for 2024-25 (Transportation)
184 Day Employee Work Calendar for 2024-25
188 Day Employee Work Calendar for 2024-25 (Food Service Manager)
190 Day Employee Work Calendar for 2024-25
195 Day Employee Work Calendar for 2024-25 (Psychology)
195 Day Employee Work Calendar for 2024-25 (Social Work)
200 Day Employee Work Calendar for 2024-25
205 Day Employee Work Calendar for 2024-25
210 Day Employee Work Calendar for 2024-25
220 Day Employee Work Calendar for 2024-25
225 Day Employee Work Calendar for 2024-25
235 Day Employee Work Calendar for 2024-25