Safety Training Video & Application
Begin the Volunteer Application Process
Have you ever been:
- found guilty;
- entered a plea of nolo contendere;
- been granted first offender treatment without adjudication of guilt;
- been placed under a court order whereby an adjudication or sentence was otherwise withheld for a felony or any misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature, or;
- is any charge currently pending against you of the same nature?
- accused of and/or investigated for, a crime of child abuse or physical abuse?
- been investigated for allegations of sexual offenses?
Note: A third DUI conviction raises the offense to a high and aggravated nature.
If you are applying as a Supervised Volunteer and answered "YES" to any of these conditions, please proceed to Register as a Contractor or Unsupervised Volunteer and complete all three steps, including a background check and badge.
If you answered "NO" to ALL of these conditions, please proceed to the training video below.
Safety Training Video- English
PLEASE watch this entire video. You will be held legally responsible for the information contained within while serving as a Contractor, Supervised or Unsupervised volunteer.
NOTE: The following video refers to an expiration date of 2020. Please disregard. That date has been extended.
ALSO NOTE: If you see a notice below that says "Video Unavailable. This video is restricted..." be aware that due to the mature subject matter, YouTube has flagged the video as "age restricted, not made for children" and our FCS filter is blocking it. Any device attempting to view this video while logged into the FCS WIFI will not see the video. However, anyone OUTSIDE our network - on an unfiltered network at home, work, or on cell service, WILL be able to see the video.
Once you have finished viewing this video, click here to complete the application process. By proceeding to the application, you are verifying you have watched this video and are responsible for its contents.