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Upcoming Events

TRS Workshops are held throughout the calendar year for TRS members at various locations around the state. You can find links below to a TRS Workshop that will best meet your needs.  

TRS New Member Workshop

TRS Mid-Career Workshop

TRS Post-Retirement Workshop

Employees must register for all events .

​Event ​Date ​Location
TRS Planning for Retirement Seminar TBA Microsoft Teams
TRS Planning for Retirement Seminar TBA Microsoft Teams  
Fulton Pension Planning for Retirement Seminar TBA North Trans/Teams


Seminars: Fulton Pension Plan

Event Date/Location Register
FCS Local Plan Pre-Retirement Seminar 3/30/2023 Microsoft Teams  


Teacher Retirement System

Event Date/Location Registration

TRS Pre-Retirement Seminar



Microsoft Teams


TRS Pre-Retirement Seminar


Microsoft Teams


TRS Pre-Retirement Worshop (Year Round) Year Round Registration Instructions


Counseling Sessions (50 minute sessions)

Event Date Location Register
TRS On-site Counseling Sessions TBA TBA TBA
TRS On-site Counseling Sessions TBA TBA TBA
FCS Counseling Sessions Year Round Monday to Thursday Administrative Building Contact Retirement Service
TRS Counseling Sessions Year Round Monday to Friday Teacher Retirement System Register through your TRS Account Login
Registration Instructions