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Grant Champions

Grant Champions


If you are interested in fostering grant development within your school, contact Ashley Garrison to learn more about the Grant Champions Program. As a Grant Champion, you will build your grant development skills, lead a grant development team and secure additional grant funding for your school.

Steps to becoming a Grant Champion:

  1. Let your Principal know you are interested in being the Grant Champion for your school
  2. Form a Grant Committee with the Principal, a few members of Staff, Parents, PTA and SGC members
  3. Understand your School's strategic plan and discuss funding needs or resource gaps
  4. Inform school leadership of your intent to apply for a grant and complete the online grant approval form
  5. Research grant opportunities that align with your project. Review the Monthly Grant Alert posted on the Grant Champions site each month.
  6. Mine local resources - reach out to local businesses, Partners in Education, Rotary, Corporate Foundations, local service groups, religious organizations
  7. Submit your proposals to the Funder or Grantor and win grant funding for your school!

Grant Champions workshops are offered throughout the year to provide consultative support, grant writing tips and tricks and resources on a variety of programs for those interested in grant development, funding opportunities and grant research. If you and your Grants Team are interested in learning more, please reach out to for a personalized grant development training. 



Office of Grant Services
6201 Powers Ferry Rd NW
Atlanta, GA 30339
Phone: 470-254-4573

Ashley Garrison - Email

Kelly Hopkins - Email

Interested in applying for a grant?

Start here: 

Grant Approval Form

****All grant applications, regardless of the value, should be approved internally using the online Grant Approval Form above before submitting to the funder.***  

Click the Job Aid below for help...
Job Aid for Applicants
Job Aid for Grant Approver

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