How to Contribute
What is the Fulton School Employees' Charitable Fund?
The Fund is a non-profit, IRS approved, charitable organization administered by the employees of the Fulton County School System. Established in 1989, The Fulton School Employees' Charitable Fund is the vehicle which provides an opportunity for employees to make contributions that promote the well-being of our students, families, and local communities. Its annual fund-raising drive is the only system-wide campaign employees are asked to contribute to each year.
How does it operate?
The Fund is governed by a 12-member employee board of directors which operates independently of the Fulton County Board of Education. Its classified and certified employee representatives serve two-year terms. The Superintendent of the Fulton County School System or designee and a member of the Fulton County Board of Education serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of the Fund's Board of Directors. The Charitable Fund's Board of Directors and Officers are volunteers.
How do I contribute?
Employees choose how much and to which charities they wish to contribute during the FCS open enrollment period. Payroll deduction is available for full-time, regular employees with two options:
Per pay period payroll contributions which are deducted from each paycheck throughout the year.
One–time contributions which are deducted from the second pay period of the employee's March paycheck. (Personal checks will also be accepted. Checks must be payable to the Fulton Schools Employees' Charitable Fund and be turned in to your campaign coordinator.)
Payroll deduction provides employees with consistent and accurate accounting of the contributions for tax purposes.
Sharing Because We Care!
FCS Charitable Fund
6201 Powers Ferry Road NW
Atlanta, GA 30339
Phone: 470-254-0400