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Supporting the Bridge

The programs and supports developed for Bridge to Success were based on data from MAPLE (Metro Atlanta Policy Lab for Education) Learning, district financial data, as well as the utilization of public input. As a result, Fulton County Schools determined the following evidence-based interventions and program initiatives to support accelerated learning opportunities for students impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • FOCUS is a systematic approach to accelerate student learning through an equitable lens, that includes extended time for student learning, high dosage- small group instruction, enhanced assessment, curriculum mapping and learning acceleration, universal supports, and parent engagement.
  • Every Child Reads is a transformational, multi-year, five-pronged literacy reformed strategy to reach the FCS literacy goal of 95% of all students reading at or above grade level.
  • Expanded Program Options provides all students K-12 with innovative learning opportunities that include: CTAE expansion, dropout prevention strategies, virtual learning expansion, and mobile learning opportunities.
  • Leadership Development is high quality professional learning for Principals, aspiring leaders, and other district leaders focused on coaching and developing leadership competencies.
  • Textbook Adoption is the process of aligning K-12 reading/ELA instructional resources to GSE standards and the five pillars of reading.
  • Business Continuity ensures the successful implementation of the FCS Bridge to Success by supporting programs, services, and resources that prevent, prepare for, and respond to Covid-19 and ensures that FCS is able to continue the work of the organization by offsetting financial losses, and monitoring program expenditures and finding innovative ways to continue business as usual.
  • Student Safety will help school staff and administrators to build capacity and restoratively improve school climate and culture through positive behavior interventions and supports and fair discipline processes and procedures.

Bridge To Success