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Fulton County Schools is allotted $168.9 million under the American Rescue Plan Act, also known as ARP. This bill was signed into law on March 11, 2021 and provides funds to help safely reopen schools and sustain the safe operation of schools while addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students. A key component to ARP is Fulton County Schools' intentional work to communicate plans to utilize this funding, as well as collect input on these plans. All Fulton County Schools stakeholders were asked to review the FCS ARP Project Plan and provide feedback via an online survey.

View our American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act ESSER III-LEA Application

Overview of Use of Funds

Esser III -Arp Funding

Budget FY21-24

Business Continuity  $45,722,280
Expanded Program Options $34,387,354
Leadership Development $3,794,630
Textbook Adoption $22,500,000
Every Child Reads $54,008,665
FOCUS $6,726,000
Student Safety $1,781,654

Total ARP Buget:
