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Services for Exceptional Children


Fulton County Schools has announced its intention to destroy Special Education Records of students born before January 1, 2000.

These records are no longer needed for education planning purposes and will be destroyed by the third quarter of 2023.  Fulton County Schools will make the Special Education Records available to the student or parent (with the student's permission) upon request of the school system's Special Education Records Department.  Any person desiring to obtain his/her records may request them through our online portal

Our Vision

Through specially designed instruction in the least restrictive environment, students with disabilities will have access to a rigorous curriculum that is meaningful, challenging, and is aligned to grade level standards.

Our Mission

The Services for Exceptional Children Department ensures the instruction of students with disabilities is grounded in grade-level standards, specially designed to meet the individual needs of each students and tailored to promote growth and learning.  We do so by:

  • embedding special education specific supports within the Standards Mastery Framework;
  • guiding school-leaders in meeting the expectations set forth in federal, state, & local rules and regulations;
  • providing explicit professional learning experiences and job embedded growth opportunities for special education staff; and
  • embracing and embodying the mindsets of inclusivity, access to challenging curriculum, and high expectations.

We Believe:

  • Inclusivity
  • Equity
  • Growth Mindsets
  • Collective Ownership
  • Family & Community Engagement
  • Strong Partnerships with Schools
  • Consistent Focus on Student Outcomes
  • Specially Designed Instruction
  • Safe & Supportive Learning Environments
  • Building Capacity through Professional Learning

Our Value Statements

  • The belief that all students with disabilities are capable of accessing grade level content.
    The desire to utilize grade level materials, instructional best practices, and student data in the planning of and facilitation of daily instruction will foster multi-faceted approaches and strategies for learning that indistinguishably engage and support students with disabilities in growth and independence.

  • The belief that all students with disabilities have strengths that enable them to learn and grow academically, socially and independently.
    The desire to seek out student strengths to leverage in the planning and instruction of students with disabilities will assist students with disabilities in developing skills to independently use their strengths and learned strategies across all academic and non-academic activities.

  • The belief that all students with disabilities deserve access to the general education environment to the greatest extent possible.
    The desire to approach students with disabilities with the intention of transitioning them back to general education will increase access to the general education environment to the greatest extent possible.

  • The belief that all students with disabilities deserve access to non-academic school-based activities.
    The desire to embody the mindset that students with disabilities are valuable members of our community and thus include all students when planning non-academic school-based activities will strengthen the abilities of students with disabilities.

  • The belief that all school leaders, teachers, and support staff are fundamentally responsible for the success of students with disabilities.
    The desire to seek out opportunities to build lasting relationships with students with disabilities in order to ensure student growth through equitable and inclusive practices will reinforce for students with disabilities that multiple adults in their school community are invested in their success within and beyond the classroom.


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Dr. Tris Gilland

Dr. Tris Gilland
Executive Director
Services for Exceptional Children

Dr. Yolanda Brownlee

Dr. Yolanda R. Brownlee
Director, Compliance
Services for Exceptional Children

Sherry Peterson
Director, Instruction
Services for Exceptional Children