Homeless and Foster Care Program
Program for the education of youth and children in transition
The Fulton County Schools Homeless McKinney-Vento Program ensures every student experiencing homelessness has access to education,stability, and opportunities for academic success and overall well-being.
The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal act designed to keep homeless students in school. This law addresses the problems that homeless children and youth have faced in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school.
If the child:
- lives in a shelter
- shares housing with relatives or others due to loss of housing or cannot afford housing
- lives in a campground, car, abandoned building, or other inadequate shelter
- does not have a permanent address and/or permanent housing
- lives on the street
- if they are an unaccompanied youth in a homeless situation
The child has the right to:
- Immediately enroll and attend school without having health and school records with you
- enroll in school where they are living or the school attended when permanently housed... if in the child's best interest
- receive transportation to and from school of origin
- participate in school related activities and receive other needed services
- utilize dispute resolution process if you have a grievance
***McKinney Vento status is re-verified each school year***
Enrollment in the McKinney Vento Program is valid from the time the McKinney Vento Application is completed and submitted, and accepted.
For more information on how we can be of assistance
to your child's enrollment and school needs,
please contact the Local Liaison at (470) 254-0470.
You can also reach out to your school social worker for help.
Did you know that 1,360,747 homeless students were reported enrolled by U.S. public schools in the 2013-2014 school year? Right here in Fulton County Schools over 1890 homeless students were identified last school year and so far this year, we have identified over 950 homeless students in our schools. Were you aware that 2/3 of the adults experiencing homelessness have not received a high school diploma or completed a GED?
On a regular basis, children and youth report that school is a home to them – a place where they see the same faces, sit in the same seat, and can put their hearts and minds into pursuits that ease their daily troubles. In school, students gain the skills and support needed to avoid poverty and homelessness as adults.
Education is the key to preventing homelessness for today's children and youth. They absolutely need and deserve educational opportunities commensurate to those of their housed peers.
Please help us spread awareness about the issues of homelessness in our community and refer any students that you think may be experiencing homelessness to your school's social worker or the Homeless Liaison's office at 470-254-0470.
Site Shortcuts
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children & Youth
National Center for Homeless Education
Georgia Department of Education
College Resources for Homeless Students
Enrollment Forms should be turned in to School's Social Worker
McKinney Veto Forms -Student Enrollment Info. for Parents English
McKinney Veto Student Enrollment Form Info. for Parents Spanish