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Moving Forward with College & Career

Ga Apply to College Month(November)

Georgia Apply to College is part of the American College Application Campaign, a national initiative of ACT's Center for Equity in Learning to increase the number of students accessing postsecondary education. GAC is sponsored by the Georgia Student Finance Commission and is supported by Communities in Schools of GeorgiaGeorgia Department of Education, the Georgia Independent College Association, the Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education, the Technical College System of Georgia and the University System of Georgia.


Visit to learn more. 


Fulton County Schools counselors are positioned to proactively assist students, families, and their school communities in developing students in the area of college and career. Fulton school counselors accomplish this by helping students:

  • explore their personal strengths and interest,
  • learn about careers aligned to their personal strengths and interests,
  • choose courses that align with their chosen career and personal interests,
  • understand what their options after high school are,
  • plan and access their chosen post-secondary career goals.


Be sure to check your school's website and social media accounts to learn more about the amazing Ga Apply to College events planned by your high school's counseling department. 

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