Dropout Prevention
Graduation Coaches
The Graduation Coach mission is to ensure the successful transition of all students from elementary to middle school, middle to high school, and high school to post-secondary education or the workforce. Graduation coaches help provide comprehensive prevention and intervention programs for students at risk of grade retention and / or dropping out of school. They assist in identifying students in need of additional support and work with them to achieve academic and social success, as well as ensure that all identified students receive the resources and services needed to guide them toward graduation.
College Planning
- College Readiness
- Two- and Four- Year Colleges
- Apply to College
- College Preparation Checklist
- Creating a College-Going Culture for English Language Learners
Financial Aid
Career Planning
Opportunities for Special Populations
- Helping your 9th or 10th grader with Career Awareness and Exploration
- Helping your 11th or 12 grader with Career Preparation and Fit
Dropout Prevention
Many teens who struggle with reading and writing get discouraged and quit school, but research tells us a lot about how to prevent students from dropping out, as well as how to design effective intervention programs for students who have already left or graduated from school. More »
What Do We Know About Who Drops Out and Why?
Dropout Risk Factors and Exemplary Programs
6201 Powers Ferry Road NW
Atlanta, GA 30339
Phone: 470-254-0448
Fax: 470-254-1244