Student Support Team
The Student Support Team (SST) is a problem-solving process in every Georgia school. Its purpose is to find ways around roadblocks to success for any student referred to it. A number of recent events and decisions both national and state have placed markedly increased importance on the SST process:
- The realization that conditions beyond mere academics play a pivotal role for students at risk of failure. The success of the broad approach used by Student Assistance Programs (SAP, from the federal Drug-Free Schools initiative) has shown the value of collaboration, especially across agencies.
- School-based management and problem solving have become one of the recognized successes in the national education reform movement.
- The SST process is a way for schools to demonstrate progress toward the national Goals 2000 areas of better teacher support and more parent involvement.
Problem Solving Model
Student Support Teams use the problem-solving model to create intervention plans and monitor progress towards goals.
- Problem Identification
- Problem Analysis
- Plan Implementation
- Plan Evaluation
SST Meetings
Every school has a Student Support Team (SST) Chair that organizes and facilitates SST meetings. These individuals understand the structures, processes, and people needed to create plans for student success.
Georgia Department of Education
The Georgia Department of Education gives guidance on SST requirements.