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Remedial Education Program (REP)

The Remedial Education Program (REP) is designed for students in grades 6-12 who have identified deficiencies in reading, writing, and math. The program provides basic skills instruction in the areas of reading, mathematics, and writing. Students qualify for the program based on a minimum of two standardized and normed scores or a failing course the previous semester.

REP students in grades 9-12 are able to earn course credit in English or Mathematics if the instructional content follows the 9-12 state-adopted standards/curriculum. There are three models of REP:

  • Reduced Class Size: Students receive instruction from a certified teacher designated as an REP teacher in a class with general education students. Maximum class size under this model is 18-23 students, based on allotment guidelines.
  • Augmented Class Model: A state-certified REP teacher pushes into the classroom with a regular education teacher to provide instruction to no more than 15 REP students.
  • Parallel Block Scheduling: Students are provided daily instruction in two-hour blocks. Students receive direct instruction from a state-certified teacher for a minimum of 50-60 minutes, and at least one hour is dedicated to small group instruction up to 15 or fewer students.