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Suicide Prevention and Awareness

According to the CDC, suicide is among the leading causes of death for people ages 10-66 and is the second leading cause of death for young people ages 10-14.  


During the month of September, your school can find ways to unite and promote suicide prevention and awareness. It is said that investment in suicide education, prevention, and research assists with decreasing the number of untimely deaths each year. Therefore, the time is now to ensure we are doing our part. 


September 1-30 | Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

September 10 | World Suicide Prevention Day

September 10-16 | National Suicide Prevention Week


During the month of September we are dedicated to teaching students to ACT- Acknowledge, Care and Tell. Knowing the signs of suicide, understanding the importance of practicing self-care or showing a friend you care, and understanding when to tell are all the first steps to saving a life. 

Fulton County Schools Suicide Prevention & Awareness Supports 


FCS School Counselors, Social Workers, & Psychologists are there to support the emotional and mental health needs of students by providing short-term individual and small group counseling. Contact your school to identify the staff members in your building that are there to support your student. 


"Text4HELP" - A crisis support line in all FCS high schools in partnership with the Fulton County Board of Commissioners. Students who use the app can be connected anonymously to a licensed mental health professional for immediate mental health resources and referrals, 24 hours a day/7 days a week.


Signs of Suicide (SOS) - Signs of Suicide Prevention program is currently implemented in all Fulton County middle and high schools. The SOS program is the only youth suicide prevention program that has demonstrated an improvement in students’ knowledge and adaptive attitudes about suicide risk and depression, as well as a reduction in actual suicide attempts. 


School-Based Mental Health Services - Fulton County Schools has developed a framework in which mental health partners are on the school campus and provide services to students. Students may access mental health providers on campus should they need that level of support and should their parents desire that option for them. We currently have a mental health on-site partner at 70+ FCS schools.


Youth Mental Health First Aid Training - Training provides education and awareness of mental health for those who work with children and youth. If you are interested in training for your school staff, please reach out to the CPSW department.


Fulton County Schools Tip Line – Students can provide an anonymous tip to school and district officials through the FCS Tip Line App. Whether it is about bullying, a friend in need of counseling, or suspicious/illegal behavior.