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"It's Ok To Not Be Ok" Campaign

Each December, Fulton County Schools highlights the importance of mental health awareness for our students, staff, and community. Resources are available and activities are planned to shine light on this important topic. As students closeout the semester and prepare to leave for the holiday break, it’s important that they understand the common challenges we all face and the resources available to those who are in need of help or support.


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Monday, December 11 | It’s Ok to Have Bad Days               #FCSitsOk2havebaddays

Living in a world that glamorizes everything on social media can make us feel like having a bad day is something unacceptable. It’s completely okay to have some bad days. We all do! Life is filled with highs and lows. Bad days come around and although they can really stink, know that they eventually come to an end. Don’t allow those feelings to consume you, recognize them and take steps towards managing days you may not feel OK… and remember- “Just because today is a bad day doesn’t mean tomorrow won’t be the best day of your life. You just have to get there.”


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Tuesday, December 12 | It's Ok to Ask for Help               #FCSitsOk2ask4help

Who are the people you go to first when you get good news? How about when you get bad news? Having a support system means that you have people to depend on whether things are going well or not-so-well. Love, support, trust and optimism from those around you can help make you feel safe and secure, and are powerful weapons against negative feelings. It can be difficult to ask for help, so be patient with yourself and learn to reach out to those you trust when needed.


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Wednesday, December 13 | It's Ok to Ask How Someone is Feeling                        #FCSitsOk2ask

41% of students hadn’t asked someone if they were OK because they weren’t sure they knew the signs. The people in your world won’t always tell you if something’s troubling them, so it’s important that you make asking, “are you OK?” a part of your everyday relationships. The earlier you provide an opportunity for someone to open up to you, the sooner they can find appropriate support or you can stop small problems from becoming bigger ones. If you are concerned about a friend, be sure to tell a trusted adult, your school counselor, social worker or psychologist.


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Thursday, December 14 | It's Ok Not to Feel Ok               #FCSitsOk2notfeelOk

Pretending that you’re fine does not make things easier, nor does it make your problems go away. Know that it is ok to not feel ok from time to time. When needed, reach out to a trusted adult for help and support.

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