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Family Information

Fulton Virtual is a supplemental, flexibly-paced, competency-based, asynchronous online option available to students throughout the district. Typically, an FV student takes one or two courses through FV while taking face to face classes at their home school. In certain circumstances (e.g. medical, emotional reasons), a student can temporarily take all their courses online. This is usually just a semester or sometimes a year. These special circumstances require school approval and usually go through an IEP or 504 team.

FV provides students and families access to curriculum they might not have at their home school. FV also offers students and families choice in instructional model and instructional setting. Some students prefer the flexible pacing of our program or being able to work at home at a time that fits their schedule. Being able to pursue their education at a time, place, and pace that meets their needs provides students and families flexibility to balance their school schedule with activities/factors like work, caring for family members, athletics, medical needs and/or other academic programs.

Please check out more information for students and parents on the left.