Reset My Password
FCS Students
Click Here to Unlock, Reset or Change Your Password
Click Here to Enroll in the Password Reset Tool
Instructions for Student Password Reset by Each Device Type
- iPad Self-Service Password Reset Instructions
- Desktop Self-Service Password Reset Instructions
- Personal Device Self-Service Password Reset Instructions
** Please allow at least 15 minutes for the system to update all servers once a password has been reset or changed.
FCS Employees
Click Here to Unlock, Reset or Change Your Password
Please keep in mind that:
Passwords must:
- Be at least 12 characters in length
- Contain at least one uppercase letter (A, B, C) and one lowercase letter (a, b, c)
- Contain a number (1, 2, 3) and a special character (#, %, etc.)
Passwords cannot:
- Be the same as a previously used password
- Contain the username
** Please allow at least 15 minutes for the system to update all servers once a password has been reset or changed.
NOTE: If you are a Fulton Schools employee and receive the message below, please contact the service desk at 470-254-4357 and inform them that you need to register for MFA (Multi Factor Authentication).
Charter Schools Employees
Click Here to Unlock, Reset or Change Your Password
Click Here to Download the Password Reset Instructions in PDF Format
** Please allow at least 15 minutes for the system to update all servers once a password has been reset or changed.