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Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365

Fulton County Schools provides all students with access to Microsoft 365. Because of Fulton's enterprise agreement with Microsoft, all students K-12 are able to download and install Microsoft Office desktop applications on their home computers for FREE! This is very exciting as it will provide students with access to current digital tools to use at school and at home on any device connected to the Internet. With Microsoft 365, learning possibilities are limitless!

Cloud Storage

  • OneDrive
  • 1 TB of space (will no longer need to use USB drives for storage)
  • Ability to share files and collaborate 

Productivity Tools

  • Microsoft Office desktop applications​ can be installed on up to 5 devices, including Windows computers, Macs, or mobile devices.
  • Microsoft 365 Online (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Sway, and more)
  • Microsoft Teams



  • Microsoft Outlook
  • A student’s email address is (Example: The student ID is your Fulton lunch number.
  • Students will be able to use the email account to communicate with Fulton employees ONLY. Student to student email has been disabled.
  • Email messages may be reviewed by the District at any time.
  • School email addresses are a privilege that may be revoked.


How does my child access his/her account?

  1. Open a web browser. Go to ClassLink at
  2. Sign in using your student ID number (lunch number) and password.
  3. Open the Office 365 folder to access specific applications in the Microsoft 365 suite of products.

If you would like to install Microsoft Office on a computer, click the Install button at the top right corner of the screen. Click here for a video tutorial  with more information. 

Note: The District's agreement with Microsoft for Office 365 complies with applicable laws regarding privacy of student data including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).