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e-Book Content

 Fulton County Schools offers the following e-book subscriptions to their students:


SORA    (Target Audience - 3rd through 12th)

Borrow ebooks and audiobooks from your school's library with Sora. Setup is simple - just find your school and sign in. Then download or stream your assignments and favorite books to your device. Assigned books show up automatically, and expire on a due date set by the school. Take notes and highlight pages at any time in Sora and export them to PDF, CSV, and more.

How to access SORA:

Step 1 - Go to Classlink and click on the SORA app or install the Sora app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store

Step 2 - In Sora, when prompted for your school, type in “Fulton County Schools”.

Step 3 - Sign-in using your FCs username and password.

Step 4 - Browse the Explore tab and borrow a book. Your book will open so you can start reading right away.

SORA can be accessed directly on Classlink  OR  you can download the SORA app for your IOS or Android device.


TUMBLEBOOKS    (Target Audience – Pre-K through 5th)

TumbleBooks provides over 1100 titles, including 360 Picture Books, 200 Chapter Books, 80 non-fiction books, 89 Graphic Novels from noted children's book publishers. Tumblebook’s online collection provides enrichment materials to students who are reading independently and also provides support to students who require skill building with a variety of exercises that can be matched with other areas of the curriculum.

TumbleBooks can be accessed through MackinVIA. Look for MackinVIA on the e-Library tab on Classlink.