Canvas FAQ
What does Canvas look like in the Classroom?
Canvas is very intuitive and easy to use. It will be integrated with our current digital resources and will be a one-stop-shop for resources and learning. Teachers can focus on instruction and students can focus on learning the content, not the technology. Canvas provides the tools and space needed for teachers, students, and parents to stay connected.
Who will use Canvas in Fulton County Schools?
During the 2024-25 school year, all FCS High Schools will use the Canvas Learning Management System. Middle school teachers will be transitioning to Canvas and may continue to use Microsoft Teams. By August 2025, all middle school teachers will use Canvas as their instructional LMS instead of Microsoft Teams.
What about Microsoft Teams?
If a teacher needs to meet with students online, this will be done through a Teams video meeting.
How do students access Canvas?
Students will access Canvas through ClassLink.
How can students learn more about how to navigate Canvas?
All Fulton County Canvas Courses will contain a module called Start Here. This module contains videos, resources, and instructions to help students and observers become familiar with how to navigate the platform, interact with teachers, and manage their learning in the Canvas LMS.
What is the Difference Between Canvas and Infinite Campus?
Infinite Campus is our student information system where parents can access grades, attendance records, and other important student information. It is the official gradebook of record. Canvas, on the other hand, is our learning management system where students can find course materials, submit assignments, communicate with their teachers, and participate in online learning activities.