Student Events
Fulton Forum
Purpose: To provide a forum where high school World Languages students may showcase their second language communication skills and be rewarded for their language proficiency.
--The students demonstrate skills necessary to sustain oral and exchanges in the target language.
--The students demonstrate understanding of spoken and written language presented through a variety of media in the target language.
--The students interpret verbal and non-verbal cues to understand spoken and written messages in the target language.
--The students identify situations and resources in which target language skills and cultural knowledge may be applied beyond the classroom setting, for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
Planning: Each year, a FCS high school serves as host of this event. The World Languages department chair of the high school organizes the event and communicates registration information to all high schools in Fulton County.
Communication: World Languages (WL) teachers communicate details to their students and provide them with application forms to complete. Eight students per language per school may participate. If more than eight students of the same language express an interest, teachers determine which students may participate, using various methods to select students.
Format: FCS WL teachers volunteer to serve as judges/interviewers of the students. Students participate in a one-on-one interview with a judge who is not their teacher. Students respond to level-appropriate questions and describe pictures during the interview.
Awards: All participants receive a certificate and a medal commensurate with their performance. Top prize is a Gold medal; second is Silver; third is Bronze.
Governor's Honors Program
World Languages students of Chinese, French, German, Latin, or Spanish who are rising high school sophomores and juniors may participate. Students are nominated by their current World Languages teacher, who must write a recommendation for each student.
At the district level, each student will take a proctored written examination at their school in mid-October. For the Modern Languages, the exam consists of writing an essay in the target language as a response to a question in English. This is a 30-minute exam. For Latin, the exam consists of reading a Latin text and responding (in English) to questions in Latin. This is a 60-minute exam. Students should see their School GHP Coordinator for more information.
In early November, All World Languages students will participate in a live, face-to-face interview with a teacher or team of teachers of the relevant language. The World Language interviews will be evaluated on a variety of factors, inclusive of, but not limited to, interest, ability, and desire to learn. All world languages nominees will be assessed on listening, speaking, reading, and writing their target language, as well as their passion for and knowledge of the target language speaking cultures. Chinese, French, German, and Spanish: Nominees in Chinese, French, German, and Spanish will participate in an individual interview conducted in the target language. A portion of the interview will consist of choosing and describing picture prompts. Latin: Nominees in Latin will participate in an individual interview conducted in English, where they will be asked to read a selection in Latin. A portion of the interview will consist of picture identification where students will be asked to identify and/or explain the cultural or historical significance of a set of pictures.
Purpose: To provide a forum where middle school World Languages students may showcase their second language communication skills and be rewarded for their language proficiency.
--The students demonstrate skills necessary to sustain oral exchanges in the target language.
--The students demonstrate understanding of spoken and written language presented through a variety of media in the target language.
--The students interpret verbal and non-verbal cues to understand spoken and written messages in the target language.
--The students identify situations and resources in which target language skills and cultural knowledge may be applied beyond the classroom setting, for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
Planning: Each year, a FCS middle school serves as host of this event. The World Languages contact of the middle school organizes the event and communicates registration information to all middle schools in Fulton County.
Communication: World Languages (WL) teachers communicate details to their students and provide them with application forms to complete. Ten students per language per school may participate. If more than ten students of the same language express an interest, teachers determine which students may participate, using various methods to select students.
Format: FCS WL teachers volunteer to serve as judges/interviewers of the students. Students participate in a one-on-one interview with a judge who is not their teacher. Students respond to level-appropriate questions and describe pictures during the interview.
Awards: All participants receive a certificate and a medal commensurate with their performance. Top prize is a Gold medal; second is Silver; third is Bronze.