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In 2017-2018, the state of Georgia began implementing the Georgia Standards of Excellence in Science in Grades K-8, Biology, Physical Science, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, and Environmental Science. These standards will focus on 3-Dimensional learning which incorporates science content, crosscutting concepts, and science & engineering practices as outlined in A Framework for K-12 Science Education (2011). Notable changes in the standards include student engagement in science and engineering practices such as designing and carrying out investigations, developing and using models, analyzing data, and constructing arguments. Fulton County believes every aspect of science education encountered by students should enhance their understanding of science; enabling them to become environmentally, scientifically, and technologically literate citizens.

At each grade level, content core ideas are integrated with science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts. The science and engineering practices, content, and crosscutting concepts are used throughout K-12 science courses and build towards a progressively deeper understanding of the dimensions as students' progress through the years. Hands-on, student-centered, and inquiry-based approaches should be the emphasis of instruction.

 5th Grade, 8th Grade, High School Physical Science and Biology students will be assessed at the end of the year with a Milestones Assessment.  Student/Parent Assessment Guides for these grade levels can be found on the Science Family Hub.

LaTonya Davis
6-12 Science/STEM Program Specialist

Nicole Ford
K-5 Science/STEM Program Specialist

Dr. Steven Moody
Science Director