Mathematics permeates all sectors of life and occupies a well-established position in curriculum and instruction. Schools must assume responsibility for empowering students with the mathematical skills necessary for functioning in and contributing to today's complex society. Instruction should emphasize the application of mathematics to real world problems, allow the use of calculators and computers as tools in problem-solving and allow students to develop their own mathematical understanding using concrete materials.
The mathematics program is developmentally appropriate and designed to meet students’ intellectual, social, and emotional needs. The program's curriculum and assessment components are conceptually oriented and contain a broad range of content. Curriculum and assessment activities allow students to experience success and help students build positive attitudes toward mathematics and toward themselves as mathematical problem-solvers. The development of students’ abilities to think, reason, solve problems and communicate their understanding of mathematical concepts is a major program focus.
The goals of the mathematics program are to:
- Meet the needs of individual students by providing on-level, enhanced, or accelerated placement options;
- Build students’ appreciation of mathematics and its relationship to other disciplines;
- Promote students’ confidence in their own mathematical abilities;
- Assist students in becoming mathematical problem-solvers;
- Provide opportunities for students to communicate their ideas about mathematics;
- Develop students’ mathematical reasoning skills;
- Enable students to utilize calculators and computers as problem-solving tools;
- Encourage participation in cooperative learning;
- Enable parents to understand and support the program.
Curriculum Content for Mathematics
Fulton County Schools implements Georgia’s K-12 Mathematics Standards. The mathematics curriculum stresses rigorous concept development, presents realistic and relevant applications, and keeps a strong emphasis on computational skills. Teachers strive to create student-centered classrooms where students engage in rich mathematical tasks and experiences that create mathematical discussions among students. Teachers will ask purposeful questions that draw out evidence of student thinking and motivate students to persevere in their problem-solving process. Teachers build math fact fluency in students based on conceptual understanding, so procedures are meaningful and can be replicated over multiple years. The use of technology and manipulatives further support the conceptual development of mathematical concepts and skills.
Georgia’s K-12 Mathematics Standards are organized into content standards and mathematical practices. The K-5 content standards are grouped by big ideas: Data and Statistical Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning, Patterning and Algebraic Reasoning, Geometric and Spatial Reasoning, and Measurement and Data Reasoning. The 6-12 content standards are grouped by big ideas: Data and Statistical Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning, Patterning and Algebraic Reasoning, Functional and Graphical Reasoning, Geometric and Spatial Reasoning, and Probability/Probabilistic Reasoning. The Mathematical Practices are an essential part of learning for all students. Students will implement these practices to acquire and use content knowledge. The eight mathematical practices emphasize problem solving, reasoning, representations, modeling, mathematical connections and communication. These practices are consistent throughout the K-12 Mathematics Curriculum.