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English Language Arts

In Fulton County, we believe that the language arts classroom is a place where students begin to connect their own lives to the lives of others through great literature. We believe a balanced language arts program gives students opportunities to read and respond critically to literature; to write creatively, expressively, and analytically; to develop effective oral language skills; to investigate and present topics of interest using research methods; and to use media and technology to communicate for a variety of purposes.

Through our language arts program, the learner will:

  • Enjoy, appreciate, and evaluate language in all its forms.
  • Listen, read, view, and think critically.
  • Write and speak effectively for a variety of formal and informal audience and purposes.
  • Pre-write, draft, revise, edit, publish, and reflect as a means to more effective writing.
  • Choose and apply appropriate reading strategies in order to analyze and evaluate written texts.



Kerri-Ann Williams

Kerri-Ann Williams
ELA Director, K-5

Kelley Webb

Kelley Webb
ELA Director, 6-12

Phone: 470-254-4943
Fax: 470-254-1244