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Teaching with Primary Sources

Fulton County Schools is a Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Consortium Member. Over the last few years, the District has received grant funds to deliver teacher professional development on Teaching with Primary Sources. The goal of these projects was to create instructional materials that provide students opportunities for authentic analysis and discovery with primary sources. Facilitiated by the Teaching Museum in partnership with the FCS Archives, FCS Social Studies, Media Services, and Fine Arts Departments, two programs were administered and resulted in the teacher and teaching artist created lessons listed below. 

This work was in collaboration with institutional partners: The Alliance Theatre, The Atlanta History Center, Georgia Historical Society, The High Museum of Art, and the The National Center on Civil and Human Rights. This program is sponsored in part by the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Eastern Region Program, coordinated by Waynesburg University.  You can learn more about the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources program here

For more information on this program, please contact

Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Consortium member