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Elementary Summer Learning

Elementary ​Summer Learning  (Grades 3-5) is an opportunity for elementary students to receive targeted support in reading and mathematics and afternoon enrichment classes, including the arts, physical activity, and career exploration. 

Summer Learning Registration:

March 1 - May 24, 2024

Parents will receive letters for invited students March 1 - May 23, 2024.  Parents may register their students for summer learning by completing and returning the invitation letter sent by the student's home school.

Late Registration:

Face-to-Face:  June 3 and 4, 2024 (at the summer learning site)

Face-to-Face Session:

Dates: June 5 - July 3, 2024
Hours: 7:20 a.m. - 2:20 p.m.


Summer Learning at Fulton County Schools


Phone: 470-254-6883


PLEASE NOTE: Staff at your elementary school will register your student for Summer Learning. Please contact your school counselor or school administrator for information.

Grade Level

Invitation Criteria

Grades 3-5

Required to attend Summer Learning:

  • 3rd-5th grade student who did not meet the reading indicator on Georgia Milestones ELA Assessment 

*Due to new state standards, the Georgia Milestones math scores will not be received until July 2024; therefore, math scores cannot be used for summer school criteria. 

Recommended to attend Summer Learning: 

  • 3rd-5th grade student who is performing 2 or more year(s) below grade level on the Winter i-Ready Diagnostic in Reading
  • 3rd-5th grade student who is performing 2 or more year(s) below grade level on the Winter i-Ready Diagnostic in Math
  • 3rd-5th grade student who failed an ELA and/or reading course
  • 3rd-5th grade student who failed a math course 
  • 3rd-5th grade student recommended by his/her teacher
  • 3rd-5th grade student considered for retention 
  • 3rd-5th grade student on Adapted Curriculum who scored level 1 or 2 on the English Language Arts and/or Math Georgia Alternate Assessment or a rubric will be utilized for students who did not take GAA in Spring 2023 

Grades 3-5 Reading

  • Students will focus on the prioritized reading standards for their grade level utilizing Scholastic LitCamp. This fun and engaging reading and writing summer camp style curriculum will have your student singing songs, reading books together, acting out parts of stories, and drawing, reading and writing about the stories they read. Students love this hands-on experience!

Grades 3-5 Math

  • Students will focus on the major work of each grade level through daily lessons designed to support fluency, mathematical discourse, and conceptual understanding.

Grades 3-5 Enrichment

  • Students will participate in four enrichment classes over the 20 days of summer learning.  Exact course offerings will vary by summer learning site but will include exploration in the arts and careers and physical activity.

Grades 3-5 Adapted Curriculum

  • Special education students who are assessed on the Georgia Alternate Assessment 2.0 will receive an adapted curriculum focused on reading and math skills.
Zone Summer School Site Serving These Schools
Zones 1 & 2 Feldwood Elementary School Feldwood, Love T. Nolan, Mary M. Bethune
Parklane Elementary School Parklane, Asa G. Hilliard, College Park
Conley Hills Elementary School * Conley Hills, Brookeview, Heritage
Palmetto Elementary School Palmetto, Evoline C. West
Hapeville Elementary School Hapeville, Hamilton E. Holmes
Oakley Elementary School Oakley, S. L. Lewis
Zone 3 Renaissance Elementary School Renaissance, Seaborn Lee, Wolf Creek
A. Philip Randolph Elementary School A. Philip Randolph, Cliftondale, Stonewall Tell
Gullatt Elementary School Gullatt, Campbell, Liberty Point
Zone 4 Lake Forest Elementary School Lake Forest, Heards Ferry, High Point
Ison Springs Elementary School Ison Springs, Dunwoody Springs, Spalding Drive, Woodland ES
Zone 5 Hillside Elementary School Hillside, Esther Jackson, Northwood, River Eves
Mimosa Elementary School * Mimosa, Hembree Springs, Sweet Apple  
Vickery Mill Elementary School Vickery Mill, Mountain Park, Roswell North 
Zone 6 Barnwell Elementary School Barnwell, Medlock Bridge, Shakerag, State Bridge, 
Wilson Creek Elementary School   Wilson Creek, Abbotts Hill, Dolvin, Findley Oaks, Ocee
Zone 7 New Prospect Elementary School   New Prospect, Creek View, Lake Windward, Manning Oaks
Crabapple Crossing Elementary School   Crabapple Crossing, Alpharetta ES, Birmingham Falls, Cogburn Woods, Summit Hill


*Indicates summer site for students on adaptive curriculum or invited to the Extended School Year program.

Summer Learning Transportation 

Fulton County Schools provides bus transportation for all students in the summer learning program. To provide this service, revised routes will pick up and drop off students based on "community" stops, high density stops, and school-to-school stops. This includes buses that will take students from their original home school to the summer school site. Please check the Transportation website after May 20th for bus stop and time information for your student. We will continue to use the "Here Comes the Bus" app during summer learning to ensure that parents have the most up-to-date bus information. Students attending Summer Learning Adaptive program can receive transportation based on their IEP. Please register with the student's home school no later than April 26th to ensure the student's route is in place for the first day of summer school.

Summer Learning School Nutrition

Students attending face-to-face summer learning free breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack during the school’s scheduled mealtimes.

For more information about Summer Meals, please visit