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Extended Learning

Fulton County Schools’ Extended Learning programs provide opportunities for students to get assistance with content outside of the regular school day. This includes programming at all grade levels and the content areas available vary by site and time of year, so if you are interested in taking advantage of one of these programs, please check with your home school for more details.

The Elementary and Middle School Extended Learning provides additional time and a strategic focus on learning for students who cannot achieve their academic goals in reading and mathematics during the regular school day. The targeted students are those who are not meeting grade level expectations on formative and summative assessments in reading and/or math. This free programming aims to strengthen reading and math skills through small class sizes and data-driven instructional focus. There are a variety of program options for elementary and middle school students immediately after school and on Saturdays. In-field certified teachers will work with students. Snacks and limited transportation (selected stops) will be provided.

The High School Extended Learning provides selected classes for high school students who are seeking to make up failed courses and/or earn additional high school credits outside of the traditional school day. These courses are based on the school’s demand for a particular content area, are taught by an in-field certified instructor, and usually require some tuition payment from students. Programming typically begins immediately after the school day, and lasts for 2 ½ hours per evening (2-3 times per week) for a duration of 9 or 13 weeks, depending on the semester.

Phone: 470-254-4943
Fax:     470-254-1244