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Career Internship Program




The Internship Program is designed to provide students the opportunity to explore potential career interests by working with professionals in the community.

Interns Wanted


Career Internship (11th and 12th Grades only)

  • The intern will be paired with a mentor in a local business or organization for approximately five to ten hours a week. The mentor and internship site will be chosen based on the student's career interests and proximity to the student's school.
  • Internships in this program are unpaid. The student receives Georgia High School Graduation Credits for their efforts in lieu of financial compensation. Gifted Career Internships will appear on the students' schedules and transcripts and a grade will be given based on participation at the internship site and academic requirements.
  • Internships are semester-long. Students will be encouraged to explore a different internship and/or career field each semester they participate.
  • Students can participate in up to four internships, two during their junior year and two during their senior year.
  • Internships can either be for one or two periods during the school day. One-period internships are referred to as single internships and two-period internships are referred to as double internships.
  • Internships are typically scheduled for the last period, or last two periods, of the school day. There are specific internships that function better in the morning, i.e. elementary education and specific medical fields. If the student selects and/or is chosen for one of these internships, then their internship will be scheduled first thing in the morning.

Community Partners

Technical Interns
  • Due to attrition of older sites, and increased student interest and program growth, we are always seeking new internship sites and opportunities for our students. In particular, we are in critical need of more internships in the fields of medicine, engineering, technology, and finance.  
  • Our students and their parents/guardians are required to sign consent forms and liability releases in order to participate in the program. Copies of these forms will be provided at the onset of the internship. Also, sites can require additional paperwork if needed (i.e. HIPPAA Confidentiality forms, NDA's, etc.).
  • In addition to supervising the intern, site supervisors will be asked to sign timesheets, submit evaluations of his or her intern, and participate in an internship goals assignment.
  • If you are interested in serving as an internship supervisor or would like more information, please contact:

Keri Isaac -   Interested? Click here!
Carolyn McCarthy Jackson -  Interested? Click here!
Tracy Williams -  Interested? Click Here!

Students (Potential Interns) and Parents:

Is Internship right for me?

  • There is a prerequisite seminar that must be completed prior to participating in the Gifted Internship Program titled Hire Me! Skills for Career and Internship Success.
  • If you wish to learn more about participating in the seminar Hire Me! or the Gifted Career Internship Program, please contact the TAG Department Chair or Contact at your high school.
Intern Reading
Interns Shaking Hands

Fulton County Public Schools
Advanced Studies Department
Talented and Gifted Program Services