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Learning & Teaching


Only through the transformation of learning and teaching will all students learn to their full potential.


Through strong partnerships, the Learning and Teaching Department will provide instructional leaders and teachers with research-based tools and strategies to develop and implement a high-quality, rigorous, relevant, and innovative curriculum to engage all students in joyful learning to their full potential.

Major Responsibilities

We ensure that the district’s curriculum aligns with Georgia’s Standards and our Board of Education’s expectations and policies.

  • Maintain and revise the Pre-K-12 guaranteed and viable curriculum  to ensure alignment to the Georgia Standards
  • Provide support to schools  with the implementation of the FCS grading policy
  • Provide support to schools  with the implementation of the FCS Continuous Achievement policy
  • Provide high-quality local, state and national assessments aligned to the Georgia Standards

We support teachers with the implementation of curriculum, resources, and assessments.

  • Design and deliver professional learning that supports  teachers in the delivery  of curriculum using evidence-based instructional strategies
  • Support  teachers with assessment data analysis, assessment use, and assessment strategies
  • Facilitate the textbook selection process and provide additional curricular resources  to support instruction

We  offer programming that enhances and enriches student learning.

  • Design differentiated programming to enrich learning experiences for all students
  • Use data and research to continually evaluate the district portfolio of program offerings
  • Provide training and support for teachers related to the instructional strategies required to ensure student success in these varied programs

To learn more about the various Learning and Teaching Departments which collaborate to fulfill these responsibilities, please explore the navigation bar above.

FCS Resources

Curriculum Hub for Parents
Contains information for each course including standards, unit plans, learning targets, and related preview/review resources for parents.  Also features the FCS Curriculum Handbooks.

FCS College and Career Readiness Guidebook
Details the numerous FCS programs and pathways available so students may choose wisely those areas of learning that will best prepare to be a responsible, productive citizen.

Other Georgia Resources

Georgia Standards

GED Program

Home School Info

Dr. Shannon Kersey

Dr. Shannon Kersey
Assistant Superintendent
Learning and Teaching

Dr. Brooke Humphrey
Executive Director

Rebecca Williams

Rebecca Williams
Executive Director
Academic Programs

Neeta Seletsky
Professional Assistant III
Phone:  470-254-4902